Document title

Resolutions from the Pleasanton, USA, October 2001 Meeting

Document number


Document source

Board of Directors

Document status


Date of this status

Date as: 2001/10/12

Change history


Initial draft

Resolutions of the 23rd FIPA meeting in Pleasanton,CA
October 8-12, 2001.



1.      FIPA recognises the expiration of the terms of


Geoff Arnold (Sun)

Bernard Burg (HP)

Rob Hadingham (Emorphia) and

Kiyoshi Kogure (NTT),


as members of the Board of Directors. FIPA thanks them for their valuable efforts in helping FIPA achieve its goals so far.


Francis McCabe (Fujitsu)

Heimo Laamanen (Sonera), and

Donald Steiner (WebV2),

are continuing their terms on the Board of Directors.


2.      Following an election held by the general assembly, FIPA appoints


Michael Berger (Siemens),

Bernard Burg (HP),

Monique Calisti (EPFL) and

Kiyoshi Kogure (NTT),


to the Board of Directors as per vote by the General Assembly.


3.      FIPA notes the report of the Board of Directors concerning

·        The election of the following officers and positions of the Board of Directors as per the FIPA Statutes:



Francis McCabe


Bernard Burg


Bernard Burg


Donald Steiner

Chair, Finance and Audit Committee

Heimo Laamanen

Chair, Membership and Nominating Committee

Michael Berger

Chair, Image Committee

Monique Calisti

·        The composition of the Finance and Audit Committee





Heimo Laamanen (Chair)



David Levine



Hiroki Suguri




·        The board recognizes the extraordinary contribution of the following FIPA members to FIPA’s goals over the last year:

Nina Berry

Jonathan Dale

Heikki Helin

David Levine

Jim Odell

John Shepherdson

Steven Willmott


·        The board recommends the establishment of an advisory board to give advice from time to time to the board relating to the future direction of FIPA and to relevant trends in Industry that may affect FIPA’s role.

·        The board requests that the secretariat purchase a FIPA projector for use in future FIPA meetings.

·        The board proposes that the following new technical committees and special interest groups be established:

·        TC Semantics

·        TC Compliance

·        FIPA for Business Applications (F4BA) SIG


·        The times and locations of the next 3 meetings in 2001:








Feb 11th–15th 2002





May 6th-10th 2002



University of Calgary


July 2002





4.      FIPA revises its Statutes (f-out-00060A).  Proposed changes to the following sections in the statutes were voted on and unanimously approved at the meeting:

·          Article 9.3, The Membership and Nominating Committee, 3rd Bullet point

·          Article 4.5, Terms and Conditions, 2nd Paragraph

·          Article 4.8.2, Intellectual Property Rights of FIPA


5.      FIPA approves the Secretariat’s report of the previous three months (f-out-00103).

FIPA requests that the secretariat remind all committee chairs to update their relevant sections of the FIPA website with current information.


6.      On the proposal of the Finance and Audit Committee, FIPA approves

·        the 2000-2001 accounts (f-out-00096)

·        the 2000-2001 Balance Sheet (f-out-00097)

·        the 2001-2002 budget (f-out-00100)


7.      FIPA appoints KPMG as auditors for the 2001-2002 accounts.


8.      Resolutions of Technical Committees, Working Groups, and Special Interest Groups



FIPA Architecture Board Resolutions


The FAB proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions.

We request that the secretariat establish a new mailing list to support this activity.



TC Architecture Resolutions


TC Architecture proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions.


TC Semantics Resolutions


TC Semantics proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions

·        TC Semantics agrees to follow the workplan f-wp-00016 to establish a semantic framework that can account for contracts, conversations, social and other relationships between agents.

·        TC Semantics requests that FIPA issues the call for information contained in FIPA TC Semantics Call for Information, (f-out-00099).

·        TC Semantics gratefully thanks: Geoff Arnold, Bernard Burg, Patricia Charlton, Stephen Cranefield, Jonathan Dale, Dominic Greenwood, Yuh-Yong Hu, Mike Kerstetter, Bob Krause, David Levine, Antonio Lopes, Margaret Lyell, Francis McCabe, Kristin Ming, James Odell, Martin Purvis, Sergrogaio, Mike Stockman, Misty Nodine, Donald Steiner, Hiroki Suguri, Steven Willmott



TC Ontology resolutions


The Ontology TC proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions:

1.      Fundamental requirements for agents and their use of ontologies. This includes representation languages for ontologies and the requirements of these languages by agents

2.      Upper ontologies which may specifically cover Policies, Conventions, Social and cultural contracts that address accountability between agents, Generic translation between concepts and Matchmaking

3.      Service ontological modelling requirements and agent use.

4.      Types of ontological translation services that are needed by agent systems

5.      What domains specific use of ontologies impose upon ontology representation language.

6.      Ontology requirements on agent conversations and communication languages

TC Compliance Resolutions


The TC Compliance proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions:


·        That Michael Berger (Siemens AG) act as Chair of TC Compliance

·        That David W. Levine (IBM) act as Co-Chair of TC Compliance

·        To request the secretariat to open mailing list (Michael Berger)

·        To draft a brainstorming document outlining the dimensions of the following until end 10/2001 (Michael Berger)


1.      Definition of terms (conformance points, profiles, levels, minimum set, ...)

2.      Define a strategy (bottom up, top down)

3.      How to manage the specifications generated by TC Compliance (e.g. concerning the life cycle)?

4.      Define a framework to influence the specification writing


·        To circulate and discuss the document over the mailing list, have the document ready due 15/01/2002 (TC Compliance)

·        To distribute the document to and to get input for FIPA24 meeting (Michael Berger)

·        To update the work plan due 15/01/2002 (Michael Berger)

·        A draft of 1.), 2.), 3.), 4.) is expected by the end of FIPA24; to show examples of conformance to membership (TC Compliance)

·        To thank:  David Levine, Steve Quirolgico, Heikki Helin, Michael Berger, Tim Finin, Heimo Laamanen, Margaret Lyell, Jonathan Dale, Bernard Burg, Nina Berry, Mike Kerstetter, Stefan Poslad, Steven Willmott, Frank McCabe


TC Gateways resolutions


The TC Gateways proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions:


·        2nd FIPA TC Gateways CFT (for Ad-hoc FIPA), f-out-00089, to be approved by FAB

·        Change proposals to Nomadic Application Support Specification and send to FAB by end 10/2001

·        Work delayed to FIPA24:

·        Message Transport Specification change proposals

(bear in mind new process for updating live specs)

·        Message Buffering Service to Experimental status?

·        Messaging Interoperability Service to Experimental status?

(MIS spec relies on updated MTS)

·        Thanks to: David McQueen, Menno Jonkers, Steve Quirolgico, Heikki Helin, David Levine, Craig McChesney, Michael Berger, Tim Finin, Heimo Laamanen


Security WG resolutions

The FIPA Security WG proposes the following resolutions:


Liaison SIG resolutions


            The liaison SIG proposes that FIPA adopt to

1.      Continue to collect information on FIPA and universities

Stefan Poslad, ongoing, 2001


2.      The SIG to define the outline of the web pages

Bernard Burg, October 31, 2001


3.      Define initial lists of people to contact for contributions

Bernard Burg, November 15, 2001


4.      Secretariat to contact them and gather their contribution

Jacquie Kelly, November 30, 2001


5.      Secretariat to contact membership and gather their contribution to complete the initial lists

Jacquie Kelly, December 15, 2001


6.      Finalization of the Web site pages

Jacquie Kelly, January 30, 2002


7.      Insertion of Liaison pages into the Web site

Jacquie Kelly, February 15, 2002



FIPA for Business Applications SIG (F4BA) Resolutions



1.      ensure commercial applicability of FIPA’s results.

2.      enable the promotion of FIPA’s results to commercial entities.

3.      attract increased commercial participation in FIPA.


1.      survey FIPA members as to their targeted application areas.

2.      talk with commercial practitioners of application areas (marketing departments).

3.      determine how FIPA improves current state of art.


1.      give feedback to Board of Directors as input into determining and evaluating FIPA’s vision and strategy.

2.      identify application areas & benefits to Image Committee for promotion of FIPA and its benefits to relevant audience.

3.      give feedback to relevant WGs and TCs as to industrial requirements.


Emorphia, Siemens, Sonera, Tryllian, WebV2, …



Product Design and Manufacturing Working Group


The PD&M WG proposes that FIPA adopt the following resolutions


·        Product Design & Manufacturing with be discontinued.

·        PD&M participants wish to continue those PD&M efforts which are currently in progress: Holonic Enterprise, Planning/Scheduling, and Holonic Control Devices.

·        The Holonic Control Devices area will continue as a liason relationship with the HMS (Holonic Manufacturing Systems).

·        The PD&M participants are encouraged  to continue their fine PD&M efforts by requesting that SIGs be established for each of the remaining areas: Holonic Enterprise (Mihaela Ulieru) and Planning/Scheduling (Mike Stockman).  This can be accomplished by submitting scoping statements to the FIPA Board prior to the next FIPA meeting.

·        The PD&M WG would like to express their thanks to Nina Berry for founding, organizing, and chairing the PD&M over the past two years.

·        The PD&M WG would like to express their thanks to Jim Odell for his guidance and leadership over the past year.

·        Based on the resolutions of the FAB the PD&M WG end its activities at the end of the 23rd meeting

·        The Product Design & Manufacturing WG would like to thank all the participants for their participation at this meeting: Mike Kerstetter, Mihaela Ulieru, Mike Stockman, Nina Berry, and James Odell.


Image Committee  resolutions


·        Monique Calisti (EPFL) to act as Chair of Image

·        To finalize FIPA Inform! Vol. 2, Issue 3 with the following contributions:
(due to by Oct. 26, 2001)

o       Meeting results (General Assembly, TCs – Donald Steiner/Frank McCabe)

o       News in Brief (Secretariat)

o       Sendai Workshop report (Hiroki Suguri)

o       Pleasanton Workshop report (Nina Berry)

o       AgentCities TaskForce (Jonathan Dale)

o       Technology Overview (Semantics – Frank)

o       Member Profiles (Sandia – Nina, Siemens – Michael Berger)

·        Contributions are requested for Vol. 3, Issue 1
(due to by Mar. 1, 2002)

o       Meeting results (General Assembly, TCs – Frank)

o       News in Brief (Secretariat)

o       Lausanne Workshop report (Monique Calisti)

o       FIPA for Business Applications report (Heimo Laamanen)

o       Technology Overview (Ontology – Patricia Charlton)

o       Member Profiles (UMBC – Tim, Sonera – Heimo)

·        To continue supporting relevant conferences

o       AA 2002 (Bologna) – Best SW

o       Joint ICMAS/AA

·        To encourage publishing papers (including a “Vision paper”) about FIPA to related (technical) journals, conferences. Target journals:

o       IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Computer, Communications ACM

o       Software Focus, Wired, IEEE Spectrum

o       Business 2.0, Red Herring

·        To continue improving the website

o       Add Publications page

o       Add Press/News page

o       Add Liaison page

o       Links to events we are sponsoring

o       Add Organization chart to ‘about’ page

o       Add Member Logos to ‘about’ page (Secretariat)

·        Reinstate press releases (Donald, Heimo, Jonathan, Bernard)

o       Actually distribute to press (e.g. BusinessWire, AgentLink)

·        In the future to have two short sessions during the FIPA week (Mon aft, Fri morn)

·        Propose the creation of a “Business Applications” SIG to identify application areas that derive specific benefits from agent technology and FIPA, as well as the values that FIPA offers over current industry practice in these areas.

o       The output from the “FIPA for Business Applications” SIG can be used by the Image Committee to actively promote FIPA within these application areas.

Thanks to: Michael Berger, Bernard Burg, Jonathan Dale, Heikki Helin, Heimo Laamanen, Steve Quirolgico, Donald Steiner, Hiroki Suguri



9.      FIPA thanks the following individuals for participating in and making valuable contributions to the FIPA Workshop:




Dianne C. Barton

Sandia National Labs

Menno Jonkers


John Howard

Sandia National Labs

Ken Whitebread

Advanced Technology Laboratories

Ming Chien Shan




10.  FIPA thanks Sandia National Laboratories for offering FIPA excellent meeting facilities and friendly support in Pleasanton, CA and for hosting its 23rd meeting, in particular: Nina Berry, Donna Blevins and Ken Washington and the FIPA secretariat Jacquie Kelly


11.  FIPA invites its membership and contributors to the FIPA process to its 24th meeting, February 11th-15th, 2002 in Lausanne, Switzerland, to be hosted by EPFL.