[Modeling] Modeling tools

Marc-Philippe Huget M.P.Huget@csc.liv.ac.uk
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 09:46:39 +0100

Hello Jim and all,

James Odell wrote:

> Stephen,
> Thanks for the list.  The big question is which of these would be candidates
> that would be highly likely to support AUML?  Any ideas?

Actually, the question would be derived into: what kind of tools do we want? A
drawing editor or a fully furnished tool? In the first class, we have couple of
tools and as far as I know it won't be difficult to extend them, I already did it
for Dia and AUML 1, and Jim did it for Visio.  Now, the second class is more
difficult and extension would be certainly painful.

My personal candidates are:
1. Dia
8. ArgoUML

I know it's few but I consider that we should have free tools, in this case we
suppress most of the tools, and tools should be used on most used platforms
(MS Windows and Linux, MacOS?)


Marc-Philippe Huget

Agent Applications, Research and Technology Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Chadwick Building, Peach Street
L69 7ZF Liverpool
United Kingdom

email: mph@csc.liv.ac.uk