[Modeling] FIPA Modeling Area document format

Marc-Philippe Huget M.P.Huget@csc.liv.ac.uk
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:53:18 +0000

Renato Levy wrote:

> Second on the issue of formal semantics, I would like to agre with both
> Radovan  and Marc-Philippe. Radovan is right when he affirms that nobody
> looks at formal semantics, and as him I don't know if I can really remmeber
> enough to do it right. On the other side, i agree that since we intend to
> be setting a standard, formalization is a necessary step (maybe the last one).

Maybe we have some "particular" software engineers in the agent community but I
know some who asked for a formalization to avoid different interpretations of the
same stereotypes, it is one problem arisen in Agent UML where everybody does not
have the same understanding...

> Personally, I would be delited if Marc-Philippe can help me formalize the
> sections in which I'm involved after the natural language definition has
> been agreed upon.

Yes sure, I will do my best to help you!


Marc-Philippe Huget

Agent Applications, Research and Technology Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Liverpool
Chadwick Building, Peach Street
L69 7ZF Liverpool
United Kingdom

email: mph@csc.liv.ac.uk